Soloist Online Application Form 独奏类在线报名表

Soloist Online Application Form 独奏类在线报名表

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The MAP-IMC 2024 is divided into preliminary and final (a total of two rounds). Participants are required to submit video materials for preliminary application with optional Free Entry or Registered Entry.
For Free Entry: the final selection of the winners is based solely on the same video materials submitted in the preliminary contest.
For Registered Entry: the finalists will be able to change the link at the final round.

If you are returning applicant(s), please use the same email address registered at the MAP-IMC 2021/2022/2023.
Please carefully read the "Video Requirements for Qualifying the Preliminary Round" before submitting the application.
Any question? Please email to

Video Requirements for Qualifying the Preliminary Round


1. The entry video must be created and uploaded within 12 months before the participant’s application date.
2. The recorded video is required to be performed by the applicant. Except for the accompaniment parts, the video should not contain noisy background sounds. The player’s face and the parts of the body used to play the instrument must be clearly visible in the video. *Audio-only links are not accepted for this competition.
3. The videos of different music pieces can be spliced into one video link, but the video of a single music piece CANNOT be edited, and NO effects can be added.
4. The uploaded video link must be set up as “unlisted” or “visible to the public”.
5. The introduction or description column of the video link must clearly indicate the following content in English: MAP-IMC 2024, Participant’s name, instrument category, age group, composer(s) and full name(s) of work(s).
6. *For Commercial Voice participants: please indicate the following content in English: MAP-IMC 2024, Participant’s name, instrument category, age group, composer(s) and full name(s) of work(s), original lyrics AND the translation in English in the description column of the video link.

1. 参赛视频必须为参赛者申请之日前12个月内制作并上传完成。.
2. 视频录像(本次大赛不接受仅含音频的链接)必须由申请人本人演奏。 除伴奏声部,视频不应含有嘈杂的背景声音,演奏者的面部及用于演奏乐器的身体各部需在视频中清晰可见。.
3. 可将不同曲目(完整演奏)作品的录像拼接在一条视频链接中,但不得对单个(完整演奏)作品的录像进行编辑和效果添加。.
4. 视频链接性质需设置为 “拥有链接者可见” 或“对公众可见”。.
5. 视频的简介栏需以中英双语形式明确标注以下内容: MAP-IMC 2024, 参赛者姓名,乐器组别,年龄组别,演奏作品作曲家及作品全称.
6. *请通俗唱法参赛者注意,请在您的视频简介栏中,用英文注明以下内容:MAP-IMC 2024、参赛者姓名、乐器类别、年龄组、作曲家和作品全名、原版歌词和英文翻译。

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